Sansevieria ‘Futura Superba’

snake plant
Maybe the toughest, most forgiving houseplant. Dark green leaves have horizontal marbled banding and yellow margins. Shorter and wider than typical trifasciata. Tolerates low light, drought.
synonyms Dracaena trifasciata 'Futura Superba' (current name)
height 1–2ft
width 2–3ft
tolerates Drought, Pots, Neglect
Sanevieria are some of the toughest plants out there, as long as you let them go dry between waterings. Generally indoors this will mean watering every three to five weeks. We know a grower who swears by watering their Sansevieria “whenever the rent is due.“
exposure Full Shade
drainage In Ground: Cactus Mix, In Pots: Cactus Mix
fertilizing All Purpose
origin Africa
13, 22–24, H2

Sunset Zones Map

Indoor Exposure Guide


Direct Sun
Beams of light hitting the plant near a window four or more hours a day. The most intense light. If you're in a direct sun spot, you can feel the warmth of the sun on your skin.

Partial Direct
Occurs when you have a plant that is in less intense direct sunlight. This happens when a plant is in a few hours of direct morning sun, or an hour or less of direct afternoon sun. It also happens when a plant is in direct sun, but more than six feet from a window, where the light is diffused.

Bright Indirect
This is just beyond the direct beam of light (or through cracked blinds or a sheer curtain filtering direct sun). Bright indirect areas are characterized by a place where you can sit and read a novel comfortably without artificial light.

Moderate Indirect
Beyond the bright indirect light. In these areas you wouldn't turn on a light walking through the room, but if you were hanging out there you would probably have the lights on, even during the day.

Low Light
Dim spots, usually the backs of rooms or hallways where you would always turn lights on, even if just walking in to grab something.


Growing Notes

Good drainage is critical to Sansevieria care.
The leaves of this plant last years, even decades. They will over time get dull looking and show physical damage; when they do you can thin them out at or just below the soil surface.
These flat-leaved Sansevierias don’t like direct sunlight and will often yellow when placed in too much direct sun. The leaves will also curl in on themselves and get brown tipped edges.
Most sansevieria are stoloniferous, meaning that they spread by thick underground (or sometimes above ground) shoots called stolons. It’s very easy to propagate your sansevieria by finding a growth point and following the fleshy stolon back to the previous growth point. Cut it there and replant the stolon, with roots and all. Those with above ground stolons can be removed and planted once you see roots forming along the stolons.
This plant tolerates low light more than almost any other plant, but would prefer to grow in as bright a room as possible as long as sunbeams are not directly hitting the leaves.

Special Interest

Occasionally Sansevieria will bloom with delicate waxy flowers that have a strong pleasing scent.

For more on this plant read the wonderful linked article below by our own Tyson Curtis.

More Info

Typically this plant is thought of as a houseplant, but it also grows well in warm frost free areas outdoors. See our sunset zones to see if you can grow this plant.