Philodendron selloum ‘Gold’

Gold selection has chartreuse leaves, great for brightening dim areas of the house. Owl-eye trunk texture and aerial roots add interest.
height 4–10ft
width 6–10ft
tolerates Heat, Pots
Indoors philodendrons want water when the top of the soil is dry, but you can still feel moisture just below the surface. This plant will often fall into a once-a-week watering cycle, but remember that your watering should be based on the moisture left in the soil, which will depend partly on the moisture in the room and the weather outside. The soil surface goes a bit deeper for larger pots; for example, a plant in a 14-inch diameter pot should dry out a couple of inches deep before you water it, while a plant in a 4-inch pot will only want to dry out in the top half inch or so of soil.
exposure Full Shade – Part Shade
drainage In Ground: Cactus Mix, In Pots: Cactus Mix, Orchid Bark
fertilizing All Purpose
origin Tropical South America

Sunset Zones Map

Indoor Exposure Guide


Direct Sun
Beams of light hitting the plant near a window four or more hours a day. The most intense light. If you're in a direct sun spot, you can feel the warmth of the sun on your skin.

Partial Direct
Occurs when you have a plant that is in less intense direct sunlight. This happens when a plant is in a few hours of direct morning sun, or an hour or less of direct afternoon sun. It also happens when a plant is in direct sun, but more than six feet from a window, where the light is diffused.

Bright Indirect
This is just beyond the direct beam of light (or through cracked blinds or a sheer curtain filtering direct sun). Bright indirect areas are characterized by a place where you can sit and read a novel comfortably without artificial light.

Moderate Indirect
Beyond the bright indirect light. In these areas you wouldn't turn on a light walking through the room, but if you were hanging out there you would probably have the lights on, even during the day.

Low Light
Dim spots, usually the backs of rooms or hallways where you would always turn lights on, even if just walking in to grab something.


Growing Notes

This interesting new introduction seems to prefer even sharper drainage than typical philodendrons and may respond better if grown more as an anthurium (in course orchid bark) that is kept evenly moist.
If grown in too bright of light the leaves get blown out and yellow-white.
While this is (supposedly) a form of Philodendron selloum (bipinnatifidum) we have found this plant no where near hardy as the typical species, quickly rotting if exposed to cold wet weather. As such we only recommend grown it indoors,